
The navigator of Switchcable Transparent Glass industry in China
The application expert in switchable transparent glass projects
The high quality supplier in glass processing enterprises


Construction Glass Solution


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Comfortable and rigorous office environment is pursues of enterprise, how to do it?

Smart glass, as one of the newest glass products was more and more popular in senior place like your office room partition.
It’s fuction of changing glass from transparent to non- transparent could help you to adjust your office enviroment as you like can protect your privacy or share with staffs.
It’s high-tech characteristics could give good empressions to visitors that promote your company image.

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Client Hotline:0571-86294278 400-088-1032

Main products:Privacy Glass,Smart film,electricity-control Glass,electronic glass,screen glass,energized glass,insulated glass,laminated glass
Zhejiang Gaoming Glass Co.,Ltd. Zhe ICP Base Band Unit05042284